A nutritious, balanced and complete feed that meets the nutritional requirements of a wide range of birds* including chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl and quail. *Intended for poultry, gamebirds and waterbirds where their primary purpose is not to lay eggs.
Enriched with oils high in Omega 6 essential fatty acid to assist with development.
Small pellet size that is suitable for a diverse range of birds of all sizes
Min Crude Protein 22.0% | Min Calcium 3.8% |
Min Crude Fat 3.0% | Min Available Phos 0.35% |
Max Crude Fibre 5.0% | Min Added Copper 10mg |
Max Added Salt 0.3% | Min Added Selenium 0.3mg |
Typical analysis as fed / kg.
INGREDIENTS SELECTED FROM THE FOLLOWING: Cereal grains and their By-products, Legumes and their By-products, Vegetable Protein Meals, Vegetable Fats and Oils, Shell Grit (fine and coarse calcium),Ridley Vitamin and Mineral Pre-mix, Essential Amino Acids and Enzymes.
Feed intakes vary according to bird breed and size.
Daily intake varies according to bird breed and size. Ensure birds have continuous access to feed – do not restrict consumption.
Self-feeders designed for poultry are a good way to ensure feed is continuously available.
Ensure that birds have access to clean, fresh water at all times.
Ensure that Barastoc Mixed flock makes up the majority of the birds’ daily feed to ensure a balanced diet. Other feeds such as green scraps, pasture and hay may be fed, but only in small amounts.