AIM Grazemax Ultra Lick 25kg **FREE**

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Product Purpose

Professional strength green feed re-balancing for Cattle & Sheep grazing lush green pastures and forage crops. High specification, fast-acting formulation.

Product Contents

Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Sodium, Sulphur, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Manganese, Selenium, Zinc, Di- and/or Polysaccharides, Vitamins A, D, E and B Group Vitamins, including advanced forms of Vitamins A, D, E, Biotin, B5, B6 and Folic Acid. Also includes Moisture Resistance Technologies.

Method Of Use

Place in open containers in the paddock. Dedicated troughs are great but for a low cost solution, clean and re-purpose old drums. Allow sufficient containers for good access - i.e.: 1 container per 15 Cattle, or 1 Container per 50 Sheep. Introduce gradually by only putting out a maximum of 3 days dosage at a time. The use of mesh to restrict intake can be helpful. Distribute containers around water sources for best results.

Dose Rates

Cattle: 80 g / hd / day
Sheep: 30 g / hd / day